My son is 14 weeks old and he's been fighting himself since the day he was born. He'll be so happy, or sleeping so peacefully, or just chilling on my lap then those chubby little sausage links I call fingers, start slowly moving tword his face. Then out comes the pacifier and the pushing, scratching, and screaming begins.

I try holding them down but that also makes him mad. I swaddle him when he sleeps but one of those slippery little arms always finds its way out to assault my poor little guy when he least expects it. I'm crying for both of us. Neither one of us gets good sleep because of it. I'm eagerly awaiting the day he finds his hands so he can just start assaulting me instead.

I'm mostly posting this so I can prepare for any of the other things he might throw my way. All the things I knew about don't really bother me because I knew they were going to happen, like poopy diapers and lack of sleep. But I'm finding these little things I didn't know about, like his self harming arms or his inability to sleep without a pacifier in his mouth, are the things that really seem to bug me.

TL,DR: My baby can't figure out his arms so he's constantly beating himself up, and it drives me crazy. Does/did your kid(s) do anything like this that made you want to pull your own teeth out?