There are so many pros and cons with being mum while at home full time vs being mum while working FT/PT. I was out with my girlfriend recently for dinner and one (37F) is mum to 3 kids (7-12yo) and has not worked since they were born. She graduated with English degree and has always struggled with money since her husband never earned much so they relied on state benefits up until 2 years ago since her husband got a raise. Anyway, while out for dinner she tells me she wants to get a job and I said that's great but what do you want to do? Her reply, "Anything, I mean I haven't has the luxury of having a job since looking after the kids"! You can imagine my reaction having spent the past 15 years juggling working full time with 2 kids! The same friend once complained how coul anyone could leave their kids in daycare? (As if that is another luxury) so keen to know your thoughts? Of all the pros and cons, and I realise it doesn't often come down to choice, but I imagine if I did it again I would still choose to work while raising kids!