My 9yo daughter has been taking weekly piano lessons for the past 3 years. She's done a great job overall, but she's reached this plateau lately where she really wants to quit.

I can no longer get her to practice during the week. It's this exhausting fight every night to get her to even practice a couple times a week for even 15 minutes. It's honestly just too exhausting for my wife and me to force practicing anymore. And I feel like I'm just wasting my money on lessons each week. I've tried many different ways to keep her motivated, but nothing sticks.

I want to throw in the towel but I'm worried it sets a bad precedent for letting her think it's ok to quit things when things get tough. She already has some major concentration issues, and it's a struggle to keep her motivated to do anything that's "hard" including homework, chores, sports, etc.

Any ideas on how to approach this?