a friend who does a fair amount of hiking scored the lottery for mid July for a party of 4 (she entered as a favor to me) into the Core Zone and has decided she wants to make this her first backpacking adventure. it will also by my partner's first, though she and i do a lot of hiking.

the other two of us have done lots of backpacking, and a number of trips together. between the two of us we have most of the gear that the party will need, and the few outlying items will be easy to get, and pack weights won't be too bad.

my original idea, since there are two first timers, was for us to go in from the east, take the more gradual approach up to the the top of Aasgard Pass, and just go back the way we came, maybe even doing the latter part with day packs so as to camp in one place for all the nights, and make the overall trip easier.

based on the distances, though, i'm wondering if it would be smarter to just push on through with packs and get to spend a night near Colchuck Lake. the downside here would seem to be that aggressively steep descent past the top of Aasgard Pass.

if any of y'all who know this terrain have any suggestions, or see upsides or downsides that i might not be thinking of here, i'd be stoked to hear them.

we're about a month deep on doing at least 1 hike per week of increasing difficulty (both distance and elevation), and we're going to start incorporating pack weight for those hikes in June. i feel like we'll be pretty well prepared physically and in terms of gear, just not sure what the right choices are and any insights would be very much appreciated.