Four months ago one of my children was diagnosed AuDHD - PDA. Two months later, my other child was diagnosed autistic. I have lived and breathed autism research and PDA information for almost half a year (and not slept much as I tried to learn everything I could after the kids were in bed). I feel like I’ve got a good understanding on things now and a decent handle on how to support my kids in their needs. We’re still learning, but I feel like I have a direction.

In my learning I felt I recognized aspects of myself that might meet some criteria of neurodivergent diagnoses and I had my own evaluation done. Today I learned that I am autistic - PDA.

I feel like after all I’ve learned with the kids I shouldn’t feel so overwhelmed, but I do. I don’t know where to go from here. Nowhere? I don’t know what else there is to learn. I’ve read a lot about unmasking so, I guess there’s that, but I still need to show up as an adult and a parent so I don’t feel like I have the liberty to explore that in the way I’ve supported my kids in being their authentic selves. I don’t even know what my authentic self is. I’m a single parent to these two amazing and complex humans and don’t have the extra time to do some deeper work, if that’s even something that’s to be done. So, what now?

The other thing I’d like to explore is this thing that I experience. I have difficulty verbalizing a lot of what happens to me internally, and I’ve often described it to others as when you’re going for a walk and you pass a tree, you don’t typically think “that’s a tree”. You just know that it’s a tree. It’s not a thought, it’s not a feeling, and it’s a bit like an experience but not quite. Anyway, that’s a lot of how I process my… whatever. I have thoughts and feelings and this tree-thing. Unfortunately, most of my inner life is like the tree thing and I struggle to communicate to people about myself. This is especially difficult in therapy and leads to a lot of silence, which is frustrating. Writing is sometimes easier but not always. I was wondering if anyone a) knows what I’m talking about and b) has any ideas on how to “fix” it or work with it better.

Thanks so much.