My boyfriend LOVES Opeth. They are his favorite band and he heavily hyper-fixates on their music. He constantly talks about them, gives me in-depth explanations on their songs, and plays their songs on his bass. When he learned that Opeth was coming to Texas this year he was absolutely thrilled. While it’s still a 5 hour drive, it’s the closest they’ve been in a time range he’s been able to go. Even better, it’s during his birthday month, October. He’s been super bummed because he has no means to go. We’re both 19 living at home, I can’t drive, and he wouldn’t be allowed to drive alone to Texas. He was under the impression his parents wouldn’t take him.

Well, I spoke to his mom this morning, explained the situation and that I would be willing to pay for tickets and a hotel room if there was a means for him to go. I put so much love into gifts and I would do anything for this boy. I know that if he could ask for one thing this would be it. His mom knows how much he loves Opeth, and his dad is a huge fan too. Tonight she told me they purchased 4 tickets and booked a room. I wasn’t expecting that at all. I did what they’d let me do to hold up my end of the deal and I paid them back for me and my boyfriend’s tickets.

I am SO EXCITED. I love Opeth, but I know how much more my boyfriend loves them. I’m so giddy thinking of my boyfriend’s reaction. This is going to be a crucial moment for him and I’m so excited that I’ve been able to give this to him. I’m literally jumping for joy. I cannot contain my joy so I’m posting here so I don’t crack and tell him. I just know this is going to mean everything to him. I’m so grateful for his parent’s help in all of this. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!