I was inspired by seeing someone else start a server but the ages of server members were 13-25 and that makes me, an adult aged 25, incredibly uncomfortable. I do not want to be in a server with anyone under the literal physical age of 21 and there is not a safe way to moderate a space with adults and children co mingling.

That being said, would anyone 25 and older want to join a DID server? The idea would be we all talk amongst each other about how DID affects us at this point in our lives and how we feel we've developed since being teens etc

This would be an adult space where we discuss adult topics with relevent language so while things like trigger warnings would still be required, there will be dedicated spaces to discuss sensitive topics.

The server does not yet exist at the time of posting this, i am simply gauging interest - if you have ideas for what would make a server like this beneficial to you, leave a reply :)