So for context I’m (20) and my coworker is like (30). We were really cool for the past few months like really cool. We would always talk to each other and joke. But then a month ago she knows I absolutely hate spiders. She found a dead spider on the floor and she picked it up and chased me for like 30 seconds (which I hated but I didn’t mind) but what really bothered me is right after she THREW the spider at me(luckily it didn’t land on me). And all my coworkers were in the room and they were just in shock she did that. But my coworker was literally laughing hysterically. She was the only one laughing in the room. And when one of my coworkers said to apologize. She said sorry… that you couldn’t take it and again she was the only one laughing in the room. And ofc I was mad she knows that I hate spiders. And we haven’t talked since. So again am I childish/dramatic for not talking to her without her apologizing for doing that?