I got the most important surprise of my life this morning! I (F/31) found out I am expecting my first child! Although I've always known that I wanted to be a mother, I never imagined that dream coming true. I had been informed by a doctor (a urologist, I think) that I had ovarian cysts during an ultrasound quite a while ago. I was pretty young at the time (late teens, early 20s?) and I was convinced that I had PCOS. Unfortunately, I really let that go to my head and convinced myself I would never be able to get pregnant. Fast forward to earlier this year. After being nudged by a few people close to me, I decided to make an appointment with my gynecologosist to have things checked out. She ordered me an ultrasound, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out there were no longer any cysts! I started using the Flo app to track my periods, which is something I had never really done before. I felt like I was still having a hard time determining when I was ovulating, though. Curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to order some Clearblue digital ovulation tests. I used the Flo app to help me determine when I should start testing. The first time I tried, I got a "low fertility" result. I tried again about 3 days later and got a flashing smiley face, which indicated high fertility, but not quite peak yet. Never in a million years did I think I would conceive that fast. I am on cloud 9!