
Annnnnnnd  we're back home for our first league match @ the Lab in a long while. Do any of you have your voice back from Weds night? Any awesome tales to tell? (Here are a few clips from the Supporters area if you were not able to attend).

Next up we are playing Oakland Roots. Oakland has been floundering around below the play-off line and will be looking to turn things around against us. Both clubs played USOC matches this week so it will be interesting to see how player rotation goes.

We are 1-2-2 against them with our only win coming from an away match in 2022.

Ref for this match is Brandon Stevis. Brandon's stats so far this season:

# MatchesYYx2RPK

Oh yeah, tonight is Meow Wolf night! Wearing anything amazing? Any traditions from past Meow Wolf nights? Predictions for this evening? Ready to get loud? Ready to... SOMOS!!!!!
