My wife (26F) and I (27M) haven’t been having sex very frequently throughout this year (Deaths in the family, work stresses and life stress in general) and I am perfectly okay with that. I don’t want to add more stress to her life with me constantly bombarded her with sex (I initiate about 95% of the time.)

I know that libido can be affected by these things. And I have been understanding that even if I initiate and she doesn’t feel like it to just say, okay, and move on with whatever we were doing in the moment. Nobody wants to have sex with a sulking/pouty person.

Well before dinner I said I would love to make love to her later that night and she seemed very receptive. She smiled at me and acknowledged that it had been a while since we had, and discussed our stresses throughout the last couple of months. We had an amazing dinner/dessert and watched our favorite show. It was awesome and one of my favorite things to do together.

After cleaning up our dinner/kitchen and doing the dishes I had gone upstairs to get changed before taking our dog outside. She came upstairs to get ready for bed as well. I pulled her in for a hug and told her I loved her. She then told me that she was too full from dessert to have sex right now, I chuckled and stated that it was a big dessert, I could imagine so and that it was okay because I can “read the room.”

She suddenly got this sour look on her face and pulled away from me very fast. She stated that she hasn’t been feeling attractive with her recent acne and told me to leave the room. I tried to apologize in the moment, that I didn’t mean anything by it and she cut me off and told me to just leave. Over and over again while getting agitated.

I didn’t know what to say so I apologized again and gave her space. I was tired from a very long work day so I tried to sleep on the couch which she came down and told me that I can sleep in the bed but that she doesn’t want to talk to me for the rest of the night. I went upstairs and fell asleep without a word to her.

I feel very weird/bad about it this morning as I get ready for work. Has this happened to anyone else? I know we need to discuss this later today and I would like some insight from this community. Please and thank you kind redditors!

Link to Update: