I get it if everyone calls this fake or whatever. I would too.

I'm 25. My wife is the same age. We've been together 10 years, married for 2. We have a child and are planning on 3 more.

I was up kinda late in the living room gaming with the boys. Then I was looking for a cord and was going through every drawer. For whatever reason I went through the panty drawer and found a crumbled up letter dated August 2024.

It's a letter saying by the time I read this she'll be long gone and she's been planning this for a year and it's not my fault she's just very unhappy, and then a few sentences to tell me to go find a new wife to have more babies with.

Then saying all her possessions are to be distributed by me.

Idk man it's 1:30 am now. I've been contemplating calling 911 but is this really an emergency? I don't want to wake anyone up but fuck, I feel like there's just something I have to do with this. I never saw this coming. Just today she was telling me she wants to "get busy soon" and get pregnant again. Like what the fuck