My husband cheated several times, but this last one was more of an emotional affair. They shared their secrets, lives, and everything with eachother. She talked to him about how she regrets marrying her husband and she should move to our state and date my husband. She said some negative things about her husband, such as, he doesn't make her lunch or say thank you after she watched her kids all day. They go on to send spicy pictures and texts to eachother, and this has been going on for well over a year. This relationship felt different to me, like they were in love. My husband told me that they both know that they cant have eachother. However, he has played online games (like skyrim or whatever) with her kids, he knows their names and he even sent her $6,000 while I was unaware of the relationship at the time. I am currently divorcing him, but once that is done, I want to know if I should tell the husband about the things that went on between her and my husband?