My husband (26) of 3 years, makes more messes than me.

I have contamination OCD. so our kitchen cant be messy for me to eat out of it, i am repulsed by ANY hair (we have 2 dogs) and clutter overwhelms me.

The dogs are 100% my husbands responsibility. I do not like animals and esp. not their hair. I have also told my husband that i will be responsible for the dishes, IF he rinses his plates and things he cooks with (i have ARFID and am audhd so we eat wildly different things and i cant stand gross textures.)

He knows the stipulations and he chooses not to listen. He'll leave grease all over the stove, pile up his dishes, etc. It gets really overwhelming, to the point of me not being able to leave my room because the rest of the house smells so awful bc he wont be responsible for himself. (yes, i am aware this is not good behaviors/coping on my part. we are working on it.)

My husband took the day off today to help get ready for a trip we have coming up this weekend. (cleaning to avoid any smells while gone). He PROMISED me that he would do the dishes and just do a pick up. (it was a 6 hour class).

I get home and nothing js done. I cant eat. Im sore. Im overwhelmed because its so bad. I dont know how to fix it. Hes promised he would fix things so many times. And im always disappointed. He has never, ever followed through. Even tho for my 20th, and 21st birthdays AND all 3 valentines days ive asked for is a clean house. (im 21)

Idk what to do. I maintain things just fine when he does his part but he wont be consistent.

He is a good husband. Acts of service is not his forte. But hes very very attentive and sweet, just isnt the best on following through with promise he makes me.