So for years I’ve been trying to convince myself that mascara didn’t bother me but it’s been getting more and more annoying.

I love wearing mascara and other than skincare it’s the only thing I like to use every day.

It has never given me any sign of swelling, but it can feel like a very gentle sort of burning and makes it bothersome to have my eyes open and focus on things. Back in the days I could last a whole day but now I end up having to remove it after a couple hours.

Other than this I have never experienced any other sort of allergies or possible allergies.

If you know a bit more about makeup than I do, what are good mascaras you’d recommend for someone with sensible eyes?

Mascara brands I remember trying: Revlon Chanel Maybelline Lancôme L’Oréal Currently trying Clinique but no success.

  • I have an appointment to see an eye doctor this month, not looking for medical recommendations at the time, just wondering if this is normal and what do people do.