Excellent Camping Knot/Hitch. (The Rolling Hitch)

Heres a comparison of a few similar adjustable hitches…

TLDR: they all basically do the same thing.

Rolling Hitch - (Uni Directional Pull) Attaches onto another rope or pole and pulls parallel to it. _Used in all the applications in this video, mainly tying one rope onto a separate rope.

Midshipman's Hitch - (Uni Directional Pull) Its an exact Rolling Hitch, but wrapped around an object and then back onto itself. (Similar to the Taut-Line) Used at the ends of a ridgeline for tensioning - and is almost identical in usage as the taut-line.

Taut-Line - (Uni Directional Pull) Wraps around an object, back onto itself. Slightly easier to tie than the midshipman / rolling hitch, very very similar, a tiny bit less secure._Used at the ends of a Ridgeline for tensioning - and is almost identical in usage as the midshipmans.

Prussik - (Bi-Directional pull) so you can pull tension either way. Downside is it requires a loop of cord to tie generally, takes a bit longer, and can screw it up a bit easier. _Its more secure than the above knots and preferred for rescue and climbing applications. Has a great use in tarp tie out's as well.