Hi, I am new to shooting LUMIX and new to this group. Recently got an S5ii. Really love it so far but have a problem. When shooting video, in manual mode, with auto iso, and a variable ND filter, the camera doesn’t have any indication that the exposure is not correct. Example… shooting in bright sunlight, aperture 2.8, shutter 180, ISO on auto has gotten to its lowest point… there is no way to tell if the VND is dialed to the right point. I can tell it is not strong enough because the screen is over exposed but on previous camera systems there would be an exposure meter or the aperture or shutter speed number would flash red to show the exposure was off. On my S5ii I get none of that.

I know I could use some of the video assists that this camera offers but in super run and gun fast paced settings I just want to be able to see something super quick.

I have gone through the settings and can’t figure it out. Please help! Thanks!