He really let a good one go and instead kept a fake immature brat that loves starting drama if it means taking away her opponent.

Jackie J deserves a good man.

It’s just so funny that he says he doesn’t want any drama, he wants someone that sees him for him and that will understand him. Yet he picked, Brittany. The girl that only landed herself a spot in the house by playing Marco, is highly insecure, and is nothing but drama drama drama. I know he only picked her because she is a blonde and deep down that’s all he cares about. It’s likely why he was so quick to decline Asian Jackie.

You know what I call that? His karma.

You won, Jackie J. They both deserve each other. They will give each other the same energy. And I don’t mean that in a good way.

Best wishes to Ryan and Marco. They’re the only ones that seeker out exactly what they were looking for. Jamie too I guess but then again he only landed the exact kind of woman he was trying to avoid outside his fame.