I work for a small BPO based in Pangasinan as a Team Lead. Ever since I started last August 2023, there has been a delay when it comes to us getting our salary. Initially the delay only takes a couple of days but since last month it fot way worse. For context, our cutoff/pay period runs from 1-15 and 16-end of month. The salary for 1 to 15 is to be paid at the end of the month while for 16 to end of month is paid on the 15th. Now what happened is our pay for May 1-15 was only paid partially on June 12(it was delayed for 12 days) and that was the last time we received our pay. Additionally, I still have unpaid disputes from previous months. I have exhausted all means of communicating this to our management and HR but there has been no feedback nor update provided. I am now in the process of consolidating evidence because our agents are also greatly affected. Once done consolidating, my fellow TLs and I are now looking to escalate this to DOLE.