Edit: Thanks for the helpful comments everyone. I’ll do some more configs and try some more filters out with the recommendations. If the devs just need feedback on this anyways, perhaps some premade basic filters as examples may be handy as universal basics, again, for idiots like myself.

I’ve been playing for about 5 hours now on my first character and was having a good time picking up literally everything and just stashing it away for later til I started reading about how you should just sell everything instead for an abysmal amount of gold. Which is where I then learned about the loot filter so you don’t even need to see what drops unless it is worth it… according to the configured filter.

Now this is also where I spent 3 hours looking up a ton of guides, walkthroughs, and premade filters which was an absolute information OVERLOAD. I tried using the “noob friendly leveling filter” variations and even those had a ton of options you have to know what to select or not and as a new player who barely knows the ins and outs of stats and gear and class specific stuff yet I’m just… lost.

So I tried making my own super simple ignore all white and blue items. Simple enough, right? Wrong. Because apparently while leveling blues are still useful. Then you have additional stuff like ignoring anything not your class, focusing on potential build specific stats only to show up etc. again no idea what the heck I’m doing and just overwhelmed with information and a dilemma of missing out on gear vs having too much useless gear and having to portal back and forth back and forth.

On the topic of portaling, apparently this resets the map and if you port next to a chest, it’ll just respawn and can get… you guessed it… more loot to manage. Is this an exploit or something as well? I feel like you could just sit there all day clicking the same chest.

Anyways… why have useless items in the game at all if there isn’t even a salvage system?