Lagotto Romagnolo

r/LagottoRomagnolo4.7K subscribers4 active
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Pinnedby lagottolouiseModerator
Cryptochidism diagnosed

Hello once again, My 8 month old lagotto was diagnosed with cryptochidism. The vet had told me from the beginning but I held out hope that the second testicle would descend because a. The medical papers from the breeder said both testicle were fine and b. I reached out to the breeder and she told me it just takes time with lagottos. Now the vet said its most certainly the case and we should schedule surgery in autumn. I'm quite upset because 1. I trusted the breeder and I paid for a healthy puppy and I feel cheated 2. I didn't want to necessarily castrate him but now I'm more or less forced to. Does anyone have any experience with that? Is there still hope?

He eats EVERYTHING. Does this go away? Is there a fix?Behavior

Our lagotto puppy is just shy of 3 months old, and he eats everything from grass to wooden twigs to big chunks of dirt and everything in between. We've had pup before that liked to chew on stuff when teething, but this lil guy solidly eats and swallows them, and he literally doesn't stop, from the moment he sets foot outside, throughout the entire walk, every time, he just picks up all sorts of stuff and just eats them. We've tried scolding, positive reinforcement (though there isn't much to reinforce since he never stops for even one second), and keeping him away from things he could eat but the range is so large it's very difficult. He's having a lot of stomach issues and diarrhea and we suspect it's from eating too much random stuff (he eats his kibbles well and normally other than this). It's also a problem because we like to keep him roaming outside in the yard because potty training is coming along quite slowly, but he just eats for the whole afternoon. Is this just a puppy phase or a problem? How do we train him? Anyone have any experience?