So I'm not a builder, but I'm doing my best. I have ideas that I just can never seem to translate physically. I was hoping that those of you who are creatives could maybe help me figure out what I'm trying to accomplish.

So I have a village in the desert, and the two villagers are Fishsticks and Frozen sticks. Obviously a desert is not the best place for a pair of fish, and the river and lake nearby is not in village bounds. and so I had an idea to build them a home that felt like a comforting place for a fish, like a fishbowl house or something of that sort, maybe even just a fishermen style place. I would move them to the shore if I could, but knowing frozen fishsticks is rare, I'm worried I won't be able to find him again.

My issue is, I don't really understand how to bring this idea of a fishy home into something I can actually build with the pieces I have. I don't even know if it's possible. I'm much more of a resource farmer type, and getting into making good builds is something I'm still learning. Slowly.

If anyone has any bright ideas or suggestions, I would love to hear them! Me and my fish buddies would appreciate any inspiration that can be sparked!