When you work the line, but they ask you to do dishes.

My manager "It won't be crazy tonight, I'm getting out of dodge." It was busy. I jumped on the line for an hour, to help through the thickest part. Ya, I was stuck in the worst spot, middle sauté. Just before kitchen closed, a huge bump of customers came in. Families, parties of 8, 15 top. Fortunately I have the best coworkers, and if someone is getting dogged we help them out. The 3 of us ripped everything apart, cleaned, stocked, put away, then we all tackled dish, trash and the floors. I would probably still be there washing ramekins. The km is great at shooting us in the foot, or jinxing the night, or leaving us high and dry. 2 on the line and a dish...suuure that's fine for Saturday.