Kettering University

r/Kettering1.9K subscribers6 active
REMINDER: Don't post personal information of STUDENTS, FACULTY, or STAFFModAbuse

Apparently this wasn't obvious and needed to be said. I'm moving to zero tolerance for targeted harassment (it's against reddit's sitewide rules anyways): first violation gets you a 10 day ban, second violation is a permanent ban.

Pinnedby Shadow503Moderator
Copyright Claims and /r/kettering LogoLead Water Can't Melt Steel Beams

You may have noticed that our subreddit logo has changed. No, we aren't changing this sub to be dedicated to America's favorite $1.50 hotdog. The mod team was informed this morning that Kettering University has made a copyright complaint in our use of the bulldog logo as the subreddit icon. We have also been asked to add an additional bit of legalese to our subreddit description.

I'm personally not happy about this request. Looking at other university subreddits, almost all use their university's logo & lack a similar disclaimer. I wouldn't be surprised if these actions are a response to posts on here that cast the University in a poor light.

Either way, it doesn't really matter. I'm not interested in fighting the university over a JPEG or silly disclaimer sentence. As of yet, we haven't received any requests to censure content. If that happens, THEN I will push back against the university.

But as far as we stand today, we still need a logo. That's where you come in. Submit your designs, and we'll make a poll to let the community choose between the most popular submissions (that won't directly lead to us getting banned).

Until then, keep that (bull)dog in ya.

Pinnedby Shadow503Moderator
FANUC Co op advice.

I was recently offered a co op at FANUC as incoming kettering freshmen majoring in EE. FANUC has been my top choice so super exited.I was wondering if anybody here could share any experience or information on them relevant to the co-op.

research thesis

i was just wondering if there was anyone who did a research thesis - how did that actually go? i am debating to do a co-op thesis or maybe doing a research thesis (depending what kind of project my co-op will offer).

Hi, one of my friend has gotten accepted in Kettering tech- MBA program.

Do you think it’s worth the go? This person has also gotten accepted for masters in Project Management in NEU Seattle campus. But the fee to study in Kettering is considerably less than that of NEU. What do you guys recommend? She is a foreigner, and money does pay a considerable factor for her. Is Kettering for tech MBA a good program? And are there job availabilities after that?

It would be great to hear some inputs from here, thank you

by Kv_v
Martinrea International Co-op

I was recently offered a position from Martinrea after the co-op fair. I had a very good experience talking to them and getting interviewed. The people I talked to during the fair were nice and seemed genuine, and the commute to their Auburn Hills location is ideal for me.

I was wondering if anybody here could share any experience or information on them relevant to the co-op. Their reviews on Glassdoor and Indeed seem to be all over the place, so I'm not really sure where to go from there.

I'm an incoming CS freshman, if that changes anything.

by bubblebass_B-Section
CETL Outstanding Faculty Teaching/Service Awards
CETL Outstanding Faculty Teaching/Service Awards

Nominations are now open for CETL's faculty awards, including the Outstanding Teaching Award and Distinguished Citizenship Award. Details here: (

The deadline for nominations for this year's awards is June 30, 2024.

[Standard disclaimers: I serve on the CETL Advisory Board, and am promoting the award as a member of the board. However, I do not serve on the award selection committee and have no role in who is selected each year.]

Why is Berry Still Teaching?

Why have we been stuck with the same masochistic troglodyte that fails like 75% of his classes. Why is Kettering happy with a professor who gets off on humiliating students?

I seriously wonder how Kettering's job recruitment team can be honestly so f*cked that they cannot find a second professor or assistant professor to try and teach fluid mechanics.

Maybe ask for money from investors to get more staff! What a novel idea! Let his asshole focus on writing his papers and stuff. He obviously hates teaching.

by DoggyDogWorld420B-Section

So nice tonight bout to take a walk not a student any ones welcome to join

Flint volunteer opportunity

Here is a note from Professor Pauli about a local tutoring opportunity:

A few months back, I was contacted by Coach Linnell Jones-McKenney, who as some of you know was formerly part of the leadership team at the Sylvester Broome Empowerment Village (SBEV). Coach Linnell recently took a new position as Executive Director of the Salvation Army Flint L.I.F.E. Center. As the linked article explains, the center offers "A large number of services and resources are offered through the center, free to the Beecher community including tutoring, basketball, arts, dance, mentoring in skilled trades and mental health organizations."

Coach Linnell is currently looking for tutors and would be thrilled if Kettering students volunteered. She is especially interested in tutors who can help in the computer lab (including with esports and other gaming activities) and robotics.

I promised Coach that I would help spread the word about this opportunity within the Kettering community. Our students who have tutored for SBEV in the past have had great experiences, and I'm hopeful that this can be the beginning of similarly rewarding and productive collaboration.

Please feel free to follow up with me individually if you or any students you know are interested in learning more.

Please follow-up with Professor Pauli directly ([email protected]).

Some advice on filling out teaching evaluations

If you're going to trash a teacher on the official teaching evaluations by giving them a "1" on everything, you might want to pay attention to the questions. Some of them are inverted.

(Seriously, when you answer "highly unsatisfied" to the question "How satisfied were you with your effort in this course or section?", I'm pretty sure that you're not taking the evaluation seriously.)

Thoughts on Vinebrook? Trying to rent

Anyone here have past experience with Vinebrook? All the rental houses in the area I like seem to be listed by them, but their reviews are generally bad. Does anyone have suggestions for finding a good rental house in the south Dayton / Kettering area? Zillow and Trulia feel pretty stagnant or taken over by groups like Vinebrook.

Housing Question

Sorry if these questions are kinda stupid, but I really don’t want to mess this stuff up lol

How does college housing work? Can I sign up, realize it’s not for me, cancel and go into a frat? Or do I have to sign up for that frat before the year starts? If so, how in the hell do I sign up for a frat?

I am new to this stuff so I apologize 😬

ISO lawnmower?

I want to find the best deal. Just a basic gas mower,self propelled is what I am looking for.

Thanks for your time!

Prospective Transfer Student

I'm currently a student at Kalamazoo Valley Community College intending to transfer to a university in fall 2025. I intend to major in Mechanical Engineering, and I want to work in the Automotive Industry. I just have a couple of questions I hope you guys may have an answer for.

Scholarships: I previously applied and was accepted as a high school senior, so I know they do give out pretty generous merit scholarships; however, I'm curious if the same applies to transfer students.

CO-OP: Obviously, one of the draws for me is the CO-OP program, especially considering that I want to work in the Automotive industry. I just want to know generally what people's experience with CO-OP has been, especially in the automotive industry. How competitive are these opportunities?

10 Week Semesters: How stressful are the 10 week semesters? My CC generally has 12-14 week semesters and those are no problem for me pace wise.

EDIT: If there are any former transfer students here. I'd like to know generally what the transfer process looks like. Specifically concerning how many of your credits transferred and if there are any differences in the CO-OP program

Grief Support Camp for Children


I volunteer for a non-profit that organizes free, grief/bereavement support camps for children, age 7 - 17, who lost a parent, sibling, care taker, or other loved one/family member.

It's called Comfort Zone Camp. They are based in Virginia, and they have camps throughout the country and throughout the year.

The co-founder is originally from Michigan, and later this year, September 20 - 27, they will have their first Michigan camp in partnership with Herbert Adelman Foundation.

Here's a news article:

More info about Comfort Zone Camp:

Feel free to check their social media @comfortzonecamp (IG, FB, etc.).

Here's an article from TIME Magazine -

Most of their camps are open to kids who suffered a loss of a loved one from any form of death / passing -- but their Michigan camp in September is focused on suicide loss.

If anyone knows a child who lost a family member (or friend) to suicide or if you know anyone interested in volunteering -- please feel free to share this.

The camp location is north of Detroit and east of Lansing.

The camps starts on Friday afternoon and continues until Sunday afternoon. Volunteers are expected to stay for the entire duration.

So yeah, it's a time commitment -- and many people are busy...but for those who are able to attend -- it's truly a special and worthwhile experience (for both the adult volunteers and especially the children).

The following videos are old, but show what the camp is about -

Regarding the camping aspect...this is not tent camping.

Think of it like a summer camp where school children go and stay in they usually use established/developed venues.

Cabins with bunk beds, restrooms with flush toilets, sinks with running water, showers, a dining room where the kitchen staff prepares meals, etc.

Volunteers typically bring their own sleeping bag, pillow, blanket, etc...but there's no need to bring other camping equipment/gear (e.g. tent, air mattress/mad/pad, stove, etc.).

If anyone is new and interested in helping, they require attending an orientation and passing a criminal background check. Children's safety is important, and multiple adult volunteers and staff will be present (in other words, no child is ever alone with an adult).

To attend their online training meeting, click the aforementioned website above to sign up (click "Register to Volunteer" button) and they should provide a zoom meeting link.

Some volunteers are young adults (college students, recent graduates, etc.) and some are middle age to older adults too. Kids tend to like volunteers who are friendly, fun, positive, silly, etc.

Many people are busy, and committing an entire weekend is challenging, but maybe someone out there is good with kids, can be a positive role model (like a big brother/big sister), and is interested in helping some kids deal with grief and loss.

They sometimes are low on male volunteers -- so if you know of any exceptional men out there -- please feel free to help spread the word.

If anyone is serious or curious about learning more, check out their website and videos.

If interested in helping, follow their instructions on how to sign up at

Attend the new volunteer training.

Pass a criminal background check.

And have a fun time during camp. It's a life-changing experience for both kids and adults imo.


If anyone knows a parent with a child(ren) who has experienced loss, please feel free to share with them about this camp (again, it's free to attend), and it can be very beneficial for kids to not feel alone in coping with their sadness, pain, grief, etc.


I don't speak on behalf of Comfort Zone Camp, and can't give any official answers, but sometimes people ask common questions, so these are my opinions on how to answer such questions -

Q: Is there a cost to attend?

A: It's free for kids/parents due to generous donations and partnerships.

Q: Can I help for just a day?

A: They usually prefer volunteers stay for the entire weekend, Friday until Sunday.

Q: Does the camp have any religious affiliation / association?

A: No. Some attendees might have personal faith / beliefs, but the camp is open to anyone & everyone. I think of it like public school, where kids come from different & diverse backgrounds.

Q: Do volunteers need to have experienced a personal loss?

A: No. Some volunteers have lost a parent, sibling, grandparent, etc. at a young age, but some volunteers have not. It's not a requirement nor expectation.

If anyone has other questions or wants an official answer to anything, please feel free to reach out to Comfort Zone Camp on their website or social media.

Their email is [email protected]

Thank you.

AB Library open Winter 10th-11th Weeks, 1pm-5pm

In case you didn't see the email: the AB Library will be open 10th-11th weeks from 1pm-5pm for studying.

Advice from an old guy: if you'd like to see the AB Library open more often, try to use the library as much as you can over the next two weeks. I'm sure they're tracking usage statistics, and the more use the AB Library gets, the more likely they'll make it available in the future.

(standard disclaimer: I have no say in any library operations; I'm just an old guy who can guess how these things work ...)

Looking for a summer sublease in Flint area

Hey there, I’m an MTU student and I accepted an internship which will be in the flint area so I’m looking for a place to live in the summer. Is there anyone looking for someone to sublet their lease for the summer? PM me if so!

Babe wake up, new panic email just dropped

Eagerly awaiting an email about a data breach.

In the event that someone is actually dunking on KU network security and broke in, don't provide specifics about what the network team is doing, you have to deal with the feds when your identity gets stolen.

CETL Outstanding Faculty Teaching/Service Awards

Nominations are now open for CETL's faculty awards, including the Outstanding Teaching Award and Distinguished Citizenship Award. Details here: (

The deadline for nominations for this year's awards is June 30, 2024.

[Standard disclaimers: I serve on the CETL Advisory Board, and am promoting the award as a member of the board. However, I do not serve on the award selection committee and have no role in who is selected each year.]

Starting salary?

I’m a CS freshman, and I currently have a job where I actively write code everyday for a tech company. The reason I chose Kettering was so I could potentially get a better job when I graduate opposed to other colleges because we have so much work experience. CS alums, was your starting salary higher than your peers from other schools? Also, has anyone gotten a faang job right after graduation? Thank you for reading!

Recommendations for BIOL-141 Transfer Credit

I'm currently in the last stretch of my time here at Kettering, and I still need a biology credit. When I decided to go for a minor as a junior, I understood that the remainder of my college career would be crammed to finish up in the four-and-a-half-year period, and credits needed to be transferred if I didn't want to go over 20 credits per term. Working out how electives in my major would work out and planning out the remainder of my classes, I wanted to take a biology course elsewhere to transfer the credit to Kettering since first-year classes tend to be pretty easy to transfer and community college courses save a few bucks, but I'm running into an issue where I don't know where to get the credit. I just want a community college where I can take the class online, work through it in a few weeks, and have it transferred to finally get rid of the stress of getting that credit. Any recommendations would be extremely helpful.

by cdiamondzAlumni
Kettering or UMich Engineering

I'm a senior in hs that was recently accepted to UMich Engineering (Ann Arbor), but deferred from cs. I was also accepted to Kettering a while back for cs. These are my top 2 schools. I'm still deciding between mechanical engineering and cs, but regardless, I think I'd like my career to be in the automotive industry.

I really like what both of these schools have to offer. Kettering's co-op really draws me in, and I feel that I'm better suited for a small school, but UofM is UofM, and the recognition they have is amazing. I've talked to multiple alumni from both schools, and they had nothing but positive things to share.

I'm aware that I'm on the Kettering subreddit, but I'd appreciate any info on either school that could help me make a decision.

**Just wanted to add that I live in Michigan, and the cost of attending college isn't something that plays a big role in my decision.

by bubblebass_B-Section

So since I will only be at Kettering University for three months at a time, is there like some sort of storage there to put my stuff? Or do I have to take it back with me when I will be doing my coop? Also, do you keep the same dorm throughout the years? Any answers are appreciated :)