SIL is getting married in a few months. we just got the invite. she is my husband’s only sibling. i have only met her a handful of times because she lives in another state. each time she has been super friendly to me. but the weird thing is she didn’t reach out to congratulate or even acknowledge us when our only child was born or when we got married. my feelings were hurt but husband assumed it was because she is low contact with her family and has been for a while. anyway she is deciding to get married in her hometown. apparently my daughter (will be 14.5 mo at the time) is going to be the ring bearer. this is where MIL comes in. husband and i had NO IDEA until just now. no one formally asked us it was just causally mentioned the other day. i said huh? and MIL was like “oh well obviously her niece is going to have a part in the wedding! don’t worry i have her dress ready and will take care of everything.” that wasn’t obvious to me! the conversation quickly changed and i was too mad to speak. i want to reach out to SIL and ask her what exactly is going on. but i don’t want to come across as rude. i could totally be misinterpreting the situation but it just pisses me off how yet again my MIL is being sneaky and undermining us as parents. i hate how we are constantly out of the loop. now i don’t even know how to react. i need to clear the air but i don’t want to start drama for SIL. i kinda want to go off on MIL because i should have a say in anything my daughter is involved in. but i know she will have an emotional meltdown then blame it on me. so is SIL or MIL best to contact in this situation?