I’m not sure why I’m even surprised by her behavior anymore.

My husband went out of his way to make my first Mother’s Day special. We were out and about all day celebrating, and had a WONDERFUL time. DH sent MIL a text first thing in the morning and was planning on calling her when we got home that evening. In fairness I used to be the one making sure DH sent flowers/a gift/etc but I dropped the rope and now leave it up to him..which means she gets nothing.

As we’re on our way home from a picnic DH planned, he gets a call from BIL telling him to call MIL asap because “she’s pissed at you”. DH is immediately irritated and reminded BIL that he’s been celebrating my first Mother’s Day and told him “mom is always angry. I’ll call her when we get home like I planned to do”. DH tries to call MIL later on, but she declined it. Twice. He then gets a call from FIL on MIL’s behalf saying she was “heartbroken” because DH didn’t call her. FIL added that MIL was upset because we don’t send enough pictures of LO (another thing I leave up to DH so I can remain as LC as possible), and that DH doesn’t FaceTime MIL so she can talk to LO. DH argued and basically told them the whole situation was unnecessary and if they want to FaceTime or receive photos all they have to do is ask. FIL snapped back with “we shouldn’t HAVE to ask”. It honestly sounded like MIL had a whole meltdown.

Pretty irritated the MIL had to overshadow such a happy day with her ridiculous behavior. We live across the country, and MIL spent the entire day with her family. It’s not like she sat in a dark room alone. I truly believe it’s more about MIL’s struggle to accept that her golden child is now a grown man with a wife and child. As a mother, shouldn’t you WANT your son to celebrate his wife/the mother of your only grandchild? Am I delusional or can she really just not stand not being the center of everything???