360000 miles/ 580,000 km 2011 Hyundai Tucson. Original engine & Transmission.

Mentioned this mileage in a thread this week, and said I’d make a post.

14 years ago I got a new job that required a daily commute of 120 miles (60 there, 60 home). Our car wasn’t up to the task so we decided to buy our first car together (newlyweds), it was my first “new” car.

The wife had a Hyundai and wanted another. I threw a fit, insert my tirade something something foreign made junk. So we looked at Fords, Chevys, something “American” made. But at the end of the day the fit and finish on the others was atrocious and the interiors were cheap and the very plasticky. Then the important part, the price. The quality AND the far cheaper price…

So I relented and we purchased this. I know Hyundai gets a lot of grief, but this has been the best little vehicle. It’s really been problem free. Lots of consumables over the years like tires, brakes, and a few wheel bearings. But issues have been limited to an alternator, a coil pack and a heater fan motor. Drivetrain is all original, same engine, same transmission. My maintenance record isn’t the best, but I do use synthetic “high mileage” oil.

From the posts on here I assume ours may be a rare gem, but honestly it’s been one of the best purchases we’ve made.

I’m cognizant it won’t last forever, and I might not even get home today. But I just bought another four brand new tires and I’m ready to run it into the ground.