Education and support for people on the clinical Joint Hypermobility Spectrum!

r/Hypermobility14.2K subscribers7 active
Rule 2Meta

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to make a little announcement because I’ve noticed an increase in posts asking whether or not you should see a doctor. This kind of post will be removed under Rule 2 because the subreddit isn’t a substitute for consulting a medical professional. If users are telling you whether or not you need to seek care, especially if they’re telling you not to, they are essentially acting in place of a conversation with a medical professional and this can lead to harm.

To be clear, this isn’t me implementing a new rule. The rule has been the same for a long time and I don’t want to enforce it any more strictly than it has been being enforced. I just wanted to bring up this specific type of post because there have been more of them than usual lately.

If you need help with finding a medical professional who knows about your condition or finding somewhere else to ask for advice (ie the EDSociety helpline, r/AskDocs , HMSA helpline) you are always welcome to make a post asking for resources or you can send a modmail and I’ll try my best to help you out.

Pinnedby ihopeurwholelifesuxModeratorEDS
Alternatives to standard computer mouse/trackpad?Need Help

I have severe pain and stiffness problems with my right shoulder/neck/back from even mild computer work using a standard mouse or trackpad. The rolly-ball mice only mildly help and usually I end up with a wrist problem.

I am looking for alternatives, especially since I’m going to be having pectus excavatum (Ravitch style) surgery soon and I need to be able to still use a computer to work while I’m healing.

Any help or pointers, no pun intended, would be appreciated.


Painful fingers (and a question about finger splints)Need Help

Hi. I suspect that I am hypermobile. In fact I am pretty confident on this (I’ve shown my friends how my joints can extend and they were freaked out, lol. Also this test for hypermobility that you can do yourself was positive for me). As much as I don’t really struggle because of it (except for when I can feel that my knees hyperextend while walking), my hands actually seem to suffer here.

For me there’s no such thing as “straightening my fingers” - they are either naturally, comfortably bent (like when you don’t do anything), or when I try to straighten them, they get hyperextended. I constantly notice how often I hyperextend them throughout the day and man does it hurt at the end of the day 😭

Is there anything I could do for this besides finger splints?

And while we’re at it - where do you even buy finger splints? Like I am from central Europe and I am not paying $20 for a delivery from the US, and there is literally nothing resembling this here… Any ideas? Maybe something I can do myself?

Braces to prevent hyperextension during workouts? Need Help

My hypermobility luckily isn't super bad, but lately I've started weight lifting and noticed I do small things differently to prevent elbow injuries. I wanted fo ask if anyone has any recommendations for an affordable brace to help prevent this. Or at least wht kin of braces you hav experience with! I have not severely I injured myself due to hyperextension but it can hurt some and I want to take precautions to prevent further injury as I am young and want to prevent these issues as long as I can.

Just a nightly message to let you know you’re all doing wonderfully!Misc

You are all so goddamn strong for carrying on with this condition, for maneuvering through a world that’s hard to keep up with, for putting up with the pain, and for coming here to seek support and help. I’ve learned so much from this page that has helped me manage my pain, and your stories have helped me emotionally heal as I know I’m not alone. We are going to persist, and we are going to find a way to live that works for us and our bodies. We may bend, but we will not break! Keep going! 🫶✊

A question for anyone with hypermobile shouldersNeed Help

I had shoulder pain from a young age and so far, no one seemed to know the cause. Recently someone said it might be hypermobility, so I wanted to ask.

First of all I am hypermobile in my hands. I always thought my hypermobility only concerned my hands, as I don't notice I'm more bendy anyplace else. However, the pain I get in my fingers is similar to the pain I get in my shoulder. Just this dull pain in a place I can't identify, but it's someplace inside.

So for the question, did you ever have impaired mobility in your shoulders? A bit after the pain started I couldn't even raise my arm properly. I can do so freely now however. Also do you joints crack when you raise your arm? There's a loud crack any time I move my arm in certain directions, but just like the pain the doctors never figured out what causes it. Is there anyway I can test for hypermobility at home before asking a doctor for assessment? I'd rather not make useless doctor visits based on a false clue, so I'd like to at least make sure I display some signs before I make a visit. And lastly, is hypermobility usually isolated only to certain body parts? I barely hear of someone being hypermobile only in one part of their body (like my hands) so I'm unsure if it can be present in more body parts then I initially thought.

Thanks in advance for any answers. I know getting diagnosed with hypermobility wouldn't change much, but I really want to finally find the cause for my pain after years and years of seeking any possible answers.

Another restless night Vent

5:46 a.m

The pain is unbearable. I have half of my body hanging over the edge of my bed because my left side burns whenever is against any surface; neck, lower back, clavicle, shoulder. It’s worse because I know part of this is because I’m exhausted.

Don’t know if it happens to you too, but when I’m tired is like the pain gets 10 times worse. Feels like I’m being disassembled piece by piece very slowly.

Good Youtube channels for exercise or stretchingNeed Help

I'm a teen I don't want pt or anything I just want to help myself so I'm looking for channels to watch to Improve myself.

Do you know where to buy those rings for your joints? (Outside the US)Need Help

Disclaimer: I'm not a native english speaker (I'm chilean, I speak spanish), so I might have some complications writing this. If you have any doubts about what I mean, feel free to ask.


Okay so, like all of you (lol) I have hypermobility. I tend to dislocate my right knee (it pops out of it place) and my fingers bend a lot. But when I say a lot, IT'S A LOT. My fingers bend at the minimun pressure and it makes me experience discomfort and joint pain. I'm still at school and I can't use a laptop or any technology (it isn't allowed) so I have to write with a pencil. My fingers bend holding the pencil causing pain in my joints and all my hand after 8 hours at school. I used to play guitar when I was younger but had to stop because my fingers bent and "blocked" if my hands were cold. They "blocked" in that "bent" position (? So it hurt like hell and had to stop. I tried to start to play again but it keeps happening over and over again so I just abandoned that hobby and haven't played in like 4 years now, because of the pain and frustration.

I never talked about this with anyone. I never got to see a doctor because of this. My family just accepts this as normal and it's like an intern joke with them and my friends: don't touch me because I might dislocate (JAJAJA)

ANYWAYS, I was scrolling through Tik Tok and I saw this video about these rings and how to make them yourself (diy?). It was a tutorial, but I'm really REALLY bad at handcrafting so I prefer to just buy them. The problem is, I don't know how are they called and can't find them in other shops outside the US (or that do international shipments). I'll probably put a link to the video or a photo, but are these wire rings (? That you put on your joints (? And minimizes the bending and paint on your fingers (? I really can't explain it in english, but the guy in the video shows that with these ring his fingers bend like a normal person's would do, so they don't hurt when he's driving for example. I can't find them in shops in my country either.

Can someone help???

Positive storiesNeed Help

Does anyone have any stories of reversing pain completely or drastically improving quality of life?

Knees popping and feeling “out of place”Need Help

Sometimes, honestly quite often, when I’m walking, one of my knees suddenly “goes”, like it feels like it’s in the wrong place but I can’t do anything to help it so I keep walking uncomfortably until it fixes itself. It usually happens to both my knees, but never both at the same time. I’m curious if this is a normal thing to happen or is it some sort of hypermobility? It’s been happening for quite a few years now and i'm very young thanks!

Do you ever just feel like you're bad at walking?Discussion

Like, it doesn't cause pain or anything (usually), but my gait is just so goddamn weird. So much going on that's not supposed to be (especially knee valgus - sometimes my knees fucking touch each other while I'm walking), and I can't manually correct it for more than a few consecutive steps. Manually correcting it is hard. And even when I do my steps are still super heavy (and I only weigh like 95lbs). I'm probably just self conscious but it really does sometimes feel like I just don't know how to walk lol

by angry_staccatosuspected HSD
Likely hypermobile and need advice pleaseNeed Help

Hi everyone, Having some degree of hypermobility runs in my family, I haven't had a doctor or physio tell me themselves I am hypermobile, but I can do nearly all the things in the beighton test and can press my palms together behind my back and things like that. I was also born with hip dysplasia and had to go in a harness as a baby so my legs wouldnt dislocate - the joints there are very stiff to this day! I thought all of this was normal so it's a bit of a revelation. I've struggled with fatigue and aching in my arms and legs for years and wondered if it can be related and if anyone knows ways of easing it?

If anyone knows any good exercises for hypermobility to try that would be amazing. I like yoga, pilates and dance and love how stretching joints feels, but I have read this can actually be damaging if you're hypermobile and don't do strength training. Any advice on how to build strength and ease pain/fatigue while potentially hypermobile? It would be very appreciated 💗

How to sleep with hypermobility?Need Help

Every time I am going to sleep it is so difficult to go to sleep, because the pain/stiffness in my ankles I’ve tried painkillers but it didn’t help, any tips?

What does sublaxing your hip feel like? Need Help

I think that is what happening but I’m not sure- what does it feel like? I haven’t had an X-ray when I happens.

Sleeping on the floor.Discussion

Does anyone else feel better off laying on the hard cold floor than on their beds? I don’t know, I feel like my limbs and whole existence hurt less that way.

In fact, the best sleep I ever get is either with a bunch of pillows, stuffed animals and tangled in my covers. Or on the cold floor.

Neck spasmsDiscussion

Anyone else get random twitches on your neck? Like your head moves a tiny bit without you moving it in purpose. I think that it may be due to tense muscles and upper body being uneven.

Arm feels like it's being slowly ripped from its socketVent

Idk what I did but I haven't been able to sleep bc my shoulder feels like my arm is slowly and torturously being ripped from its socket. I have rounded shoulder posture and I'm usually a side sleeper. Getting PT soon but I'm miserable. Tylenol and tiger balm take a tiny bit of edge off but I'm strugglingggg

Edit: I ended up at the ER today bc whatever was going on triggered a massive massive muscle spasms up my neck and back and shoulder and I couldn't move my head at all. Got prescribed some muscle relaxers but oh my god that was awful

A semi ranty reflection in honor of the last day of EDS/HSD Awareness Month: Zebra Citizen Science: The collectivity/individuality Dialectic and its implications for science as chaos & democracy as experimentMisc

“You’ve seen one Ehlers-Danlos patient, you’ve seen one Ehlers Danlos patient.”
–Ancient EDS/HSD Proverb

According to the philosopher and historian of science Paul Feyerabend, science is a fundamentally anarchistic endeavor, and the notion of the uniformity of scientific method is a fantasy. The nosological and diagnostic criteria crisis in the field of connective tissue disorders is a perfect example. This is GREAT news for Zebras. We have a golden opportunity to take up the mantle of Citizen Science and join the Chaos! We can actually help solve a great scientific puzzle! Just by communicating with our physicians, PTs, specialists and other medical professionals. We wanted to stop being gaslighted an/or misdiagnosed, dismissed, or accused of being drug seekers or difficult patients by members of the medical-industrial complex, right? Let's contribute to the nosological and diagnostic criteria efforts of physicians and researchers around the globe by making our Zebra-hood known and recognized as legitimate by the medical establishment. Like the other great historian of science of the last century Thomas Kuhn famously observed, the most important changes in science have always required revolutions. Let's make it plain to the MIC that we don't just want and deserve the recognition due our dilemmas; we also want accuracy, even if that means that there turns out to be as many individuals! I jest, of course. That’s never going to happen, but my point is that we need to remember to try and always emphasize that our situation/s is/are fundamentally non-paradigmatic, viz., that it’s time for some of the old ways to die, that our uniqueness is just as much medical necessity as it is scientific puzzle; that despite many of us being neurodiverse on top of being sufferers of connective tissues disorder, we are also, even perhaps paradoxically, united by and in that diversity; and that even though we are subjects in experiments aimed at taxonomical precision, we are not only, as Susan Sontag put it in her seminal book on medical gaslighting Illness as Metaphor, we are also Citizens in The Democracy of the Zebras.

Even though Feyerabend was fond of characterizing science as fundamentally anarchistic, he usually added that he did not endorse anarchy as good government, and that his conclusions were not ideologically prescriptive and/or normative, but historically descriptive. If this is true, it entails that Zebras are yet involved in another paradox, that between the experimental anarchy of science and the attempts of the medical establishment to nosologically order its conditions, disorders, syndromes and diseases. It’s my contention that phenomenon like the invention of the Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder and similar labels are artifacts, at least in part, of a constant dialectic between the state of experimental chaos and democratic idealism, which for Zebras seems to me to usually manifest as the need to be seen and heard not only as a collective of solidarity, but simultaneously as individuals with unique, case-by-case issues.

The idea that we live in a perpetual experiment is not unusual, especially to the citizenry of the United States and those who live in countries founded upon similar moral-political philosophies and classical liberalism. Our founding fathers called the constitution a great experiment, and while their understanding of science and its methods could be construed as primitive compared to ours, there’s still plenty in it to carry their sentiment over to our times. As unsettling as the chaos of our US and US style democracy can feel to some of us right now, it only takes a brief survey of the history of those democracies to see that our contemporary situation is tame compared to events like the American Revolution, the American Civil War, and our involvement in fighting European fascism in the first half of the last century. We often hear the mantra, “We’ve never been so divided,” but surveys like this provide demonstrative evidence that’s likely nothing more than recency bias.

With appreciation and respect,

this was also post at r/Hypermobility and r/ehlersdanlos

Can hyper mobility get worse with weight loss.Need Help

I have lost 30lb in 3 months with the help of medication that is helping me with other health issues. And I have found my hyper mobility is getting worse and and my joint are becoming sore from it. I can feel my hips and shoulders get out of place while trying to stretch.

Edit. I was about 130 lb over weight and I'm 5'1".

Stomach pain after standing stillNeed Help

Hello all. One of my friends has a hypermobile kid, no official diagnosis but just from reading up on it, they definitely have all the hallmark signs and symptoms. I'm trying to help them be more comfortable when they are with us. Standing for more than 5 minutes in one spot makes their legs/knees hurt but also makes them nauseous and stomach hurt. Does anyone have any tips and tricks on how they can mitigate some of that? I've told them to not lock their knees and to rock side to side and make sure they wear padded supportive shoes, but have no idea about the stomach things. Are there breathing exercises or anything?

Thanks in advance!

Does anyone else have issues with bruising?Discussion

Hey everyone, I have a weird question for all of you. Does anyone else not really bruise? I've been diagnosed with HSD for about 4 years now, but even before that I didn't really bruise. I can count the number of bruises I've ever had on one hand and they've all been cause by either getting my blood drawn or getting an injection.

I know of multiple instances where I know I should have gotten bruises, but never did. e.g. having baseballs thrown at me full force, being thrown at multiple walls, and the dislocations I have daily.

So is this a hypermobility thing or is my body just weird?

Hand painNeed Help

Has anyone else taken a nap and woken up with sharp/achey hand pain? I took a 3 hour nap and now if I use it it gives me sharp pain Edit- I have also weird and had pain in several places but never my hand like this

How to hold a pen /pencil Need Help

Hi, I always had problems with writing and holding a pen /pencil for to long. I've tried every possible way to write but I can't find one that provides me stability and doesn't tire me up. Recently also I was diagnosed with EDS, so please help me!!!!! 🙏😭

Shoulder pain and side sleepingResources

When I sleep on my side, I often wake up with my shoulder stuck shrugged up to my ear and I have to pull it down. My clavicle will pop at one or both connections and my shoulder and upper traps will ache for the next day.

Along with strengthening, my PT suggested sleeping with a thin pillow under my torso and adding another thin one under my head. This leaves a glorious gap between the pillows for my shoulder and I don’t wake up scrunched up anymore. It’s seriously been life changing to sleep through the night and wake up in less pain.

Thought I’d share in case anyone else is struggling with the same issue!

Hands ache in cold water Discussion

I recently started noticing that if I don't let the water warm up when washing my hands they immediately stiffen and start aching and feel tender. Drying them off after also kind of hurts, it's like my skin is super sensitive all of the sudden. It fades pretty quickly, but does anyone else have any experience with this? It never used to happen but as I'm noticing some other symptoms worsening this has started too.