Like a hobby you can enjoy and check in on every once and awhile, and see results either by surprise one day, or check in whenever you please with no pressure.

For me, as an example:

  • Succulent propagation; really great to get some leaves, plop it into some fresh soil, and enjoy an abundance of little succulent pups sprouting from the original leaves just from a little sunlight, rooting powder (or not even that) and time. :D
  • Gemstone purchasing; mostly for jewelry making. I can get some spinel or emerald from another country and boom, forget about it until it's at my door and added to the collection and/or enjoyed!
  • Fermenting/mead making; a lot of fun so far putting a bunch of my favorite drinks and fruits in a container with yeast and watching it make little bubbles, going from flat to almost soda-like so fast, is fun, and being able to see and forget about it before one day going "Oh yeah! I have this!", and being able to bust it out in time for the summer sounds like a blast.
  • And like the above, making korean cheong has been a blast. Fruit, sugar, a clean jar, wait a bit (anywhere from weeks to months,) and boom, the best treat you've ever had in your life and can use it for a million things!

Any hobbies of yours that you would describe as such?