Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu sisters

Background: I am a Muslim female early twenties, the eldest sibling, both my parents have stable careers, they married in their early thirties and their marriage wasn't the best tbh, they are academically high achievers and they want me to be the same, they have invested money and efforts in putting me in the best schools so that I can get a good career in the future.

Since I am the eldest my parents were tough with me because they wanted me to focus on my studies and be a good Muslim, which led me to develop a fear of them so I never opened up about things or gave my genuine opinion about things. Still struggle with this to this moment. Anyway I have been thinking about my situation for so long and I came to the conclusion that I don't want to do masters degree and work in the industry, this is so stressful for me and brings 0 meaning to my life. My call in life is to have a simple life, I want to get married in my twenties to a good Muslim man and raise kids with love while learning about islam and maybe teaching kids or doing something simple for extra income. I don't care what everybody thinks about this, this is my call in life and this what will make me happy. The issue is my parents don't want this type of life for me, they are not traditional and since their marriage had a lot of issues, they think that I should be career-focused. Last month my cousin got divorced because her husband cheated, the first thing my mother said was "See this is why I tell you women shouldn't rely on a man if she was not a teacher she would be miserable as a divorcee or stay unhappy in her marriage". Before you tell me anything, I am not living in a fairytale I know things can happen but I trust that I am mature enough to pick a husband who will be religious and not do this to me and even if it happens I will be having my ways to address it. Do you think that just because there are bad Muslim men I should run after a lifestyle that I don't want? Their lifestyle won't even get me a religious man. Their lifestyle will keep me unhappy and leave me with very little time for myself and my religion. Wallahi I just want to settle down I am so tired of this. I will finish bachelors this year and I want to tell them this but I am so afraid of their reaction, I want to tell them I don't want to do masters and I want to get married young, I don't know how to tell them this without them being mad, I want them to accept how I want to live myself as a Muslim and let marry the type of men I want. How I can prepare them for this.

Please help me with advices and keep me in your dua wallahi I need it 🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽🤲🏽