With every balance patch there come tears and joy and most importantly, a broken arcdps addon.
Gw2's dps meter from the sketchiest looking website makes the a game actually playable anywhere outside open world questing.
It can show squad damage, breakbar contribution, healing and boon-uptime.
Most importantly, it can also create logs on https://dps.report/.
Anything that involves any kind of gameplay improvement or evaluation relies on it.

Without arc, you can barely fix issues as squad commander and you have no idea if you are doing well or not . Even as the anti-wow MMO, it is insane that a third party tool sustains whole game modes.
seems like the developer is on vacation this update and we gotta wait a week or so for it to work again.
Here is to a week in darkness,
and cheers to the guy keeping up the tool all these years.