Today's episode really shed light on the true colors of Sonny, Ava, and Valentin. I believe that Sonny's character development has taken a turn for the worse since the Nixon Falls storyline. It's disappointing to see him betray his family for Nina, who kept him away from them under the guise that he was dead. He's been quick to call out Carly, Michael, Dex, and now Jason for being traitors and hypocrites, while failing to see his own faults in the situation. His newfound trust in Ava, despite what she did to his ex-fiancé Connie and his late son Morgan, is concerning. It is clear now that he is being manipulated by Ava and Valentin, both of whom have their own selfish agendas.

Ava's manipulation of Sonny, convincing him that Jason is disloyal and that he shot Dante is despicable. And Valentin's tampering with Sonny's medication just so that he can take him down is downright evil. They are both playing with Sonny's mental health and wellbeing for their own gain, and it is sickening to witness.

I initially blamed the new writers for Sonny's downfall, but after watching recent episodes, I must give credit where it's due. The revelation that Sonny's bipolar medication has been tampered with sheds light on his erratic behavior. It's clear that someone is manipulating him, with Ava playing a significant role in exacerbating his instability, just like what she did to Morgan years ago. Her actions, along with Valentin's sinister plot, are pushing Sonny further into a dangerous spiral.

I am relieved to see that the new writers are staying true to the characters and the storylines, even if it means exposing the darker sides of beloved characters like Sonny. I should have given them more credit from the beginning, instead of doubting their abilities.

I can only hope that Sonny will eventually realize the truth and break free from Ava and Valentin's manipulation. I hope that they will be caught and face the consequences of their actions.

As a fan of the show, I am eager to see how this storyline unfolds and what will happen to Sonny. Will he be able to overcome the manipulation and betrayal he has faced? Will he be able to find his way back to his family and his true self? Only time will tell.