What kind of gift can I get for a 6 months old baby while on a budget? Ideally, I would spend 30$ max but I'm aware there's not much I can get for this because all the baby stuff I've seen is really pricey. I'm willing to cut on groceries and gas for a week to add 10-20$ more to the gift. They're already getting a lot of clothes, so I wanted to get something different but I can't think of anything.

I'm crafty so I can make things, but there's not a lot of time to make something ellaborate since the party is on June 29th. What would you get/make for around 30$ for a 6 month old baby boy?


My husband and me have been living on a budget for a while, but now situation is even worse as I just lost my job. We really enjoy sharing and giving, so even though we've always kept gifting on a budget, it was definitely the one thing we would "splurge" on the most.

We've been invited to a family baptism party and we're expected to bring a gift for the baby. Some people bring an actual present and some people bring cash. The baby is my aunt's second child. Me and my aunt are sort of close as we're only 3 years apart and we grew up together. She's my aunt but we're more like cousins.

Since my husband had to go abroad for a family emergency, I initially RSVP'd no to the event. However, my aunt and my parents came to talk to me and expressed how it was very important to them that I come with them to celebrate and get out of the house. Where I live, family is very important so not going to this sort of event is a big deal.

Update: Thank you everyone for the great ideas!! I ended up getting a cute basked and got some 2nd hand books for babies that were actually like new. While I was searching for books, I also saw a super cute toy which is meant to encourage the baby to crawl and move around, so I couldn't resist and I got it too. I stayed within budget and it was a very cool gift! I'm happy I went for it since nobody else got any toys or books for the baby.