
r/French236.6K subscribers36 active
FAQ – read this first!Mod Post

Hello r/French!

To prevent common reposts, we set up two pages, the FAQ and a Resources page. Look into them before posting!

The FAQ currently answers the following questions:

The Resources page contains the following categories:

Pinnedby Orikrin1998ModeratorNative (France)
What new words or phrases have you learned?Mod Post

Let us know the latest stuff you've put in your brain!

Pinnedby AutoModerator
What was your most embarrassing mistake when speaking French?

In France I ordered a 'salaud vert' aka a 'green b@stard' 😂

It was an epic dinner! My friend was explaining to a nice French family that the reason French bread is nicer than English, is because English bread is full of “préservatifs” (condoms) 🙈🥖🍞😂

When offered more dessert by an older gentleman, I meant to say "you want to fatten me up!" And instead said, "you want to impregnate me!”

Then I tried to say "Thank you" to the gentleman. In French there is a difference between how u and ou are pronounced, but English speakers find it harder to make the difference. So instead of « merci beaucoup » (thanks a lot) it can sound like « Merci. Beau cul » (Thanks. Nice ass!)

Also I’m sure I’ve asked for a period pad instead of a napkin at the restaurant. both are called "serviette" so I was surely right!

needless to say, we never got invited again🤣

How do you pronounce the name "Yseult" ?

I've got into a weird argument with a friend who pronounces this name "ISSEULT", while I pronounce it "IZEU". What do you think about that ?

New-ish learner curious about Canadian French differences

My girlfriend and her family are from Quebec. Although most of them are fluent in English, I often fantasize about how cool it would be to understand what they say to each other and surprise them by speaking to them in their language.

My favorite method to study languages is drilling tons of vocab and then listening to hours and hours of native content to piece everything together. I have an unusually good memory so this method seems to work well for me. I had a lot of success learning German in this fashion and I've tried doing the same with French.

I have sort of a bias towards European French because I love Europe and if I'm going to listen to something I barely understand I find it way more tolerable if it's in a setting or culture that's different and more interesting than mine. Not to mention how much easier it is to find content in European French - in the top 100 French language livestreams on Twitch I swear I can only find a handful of Canadians.

One thing I've noticed is I'll spend some time listening to a French (from France) livestreamer and compare it to the French I hear my gf's family speak to each other, and I swear to god besides a word I can pick out here and there they sound like completely different languages. Even worse, I'll occasionally ask my gf what a word means and she'll correct me in her accent, which makes it even more confusing (eg. arrête becomes something like arraight - which one do I say?). I've also gotten some funny comments when I try to speak, for example her dad has told me I sound too proper, or her brother asked me "what the hell kind of French are you learning" 🤣 I almost feel like I'm trying to learn two languages at once and wonder if this mass input approach with mostly European French is even worth my time.

I guess if I had to sum up my question: is it a poor use of my time to study French from France if I'm trying to communicate with Canadians? I've read that the difference is something like UK vs southern US English, but based on my limited experience the gap feels even wider in French.

How do you say "lets catch up" in French?

In English when we haven't spoken to someone for a while we say let's catch up on what we have been up to since the last time we spoke. How do you say that in French?

Omitting "pas" in certain negative statements - how does it work?Grammar

Hi everyone, I am watching a TV series (GoT) in French, and I noticed the following phrase:

"...puisque je ne peux prouver que tu n'es pas mon fils".

I would have expected to hear "pas" after "peux" because it is something he cannot do ("je ne peux pas...")

Can anyone explain why some sentences do not have "pas"? I have noticed it before, and I don't know the rule for when you can use this.

Obviously in spoken French, the "ne" is often omitted, but this is kind of the reverse. Thanks!

(For anyone wondering, the sentence was by Tywin, spoken to Tyrion.)

How do I ask my Alexa for a snooze when the alarm goes off?Vocabulary / word usage

Recently switched my Alexa from Portuguese to French / English, just to practice a bit.

This morning I was forced to wake up on time because I didn't know how to ask her for a "snooze" lol

What would be the correct word? Roupillon? Petit somme?

Provence or the French Riviera for 5 days?Study advice

Hey friends! Been learning French for awhile in anticipation. I've been planning 2 weeks in Paris (+day trips to Giverny, Chantilly, Provins) and then I've got about 5 days to do another place before I fly to England.

I've been planning the French Riviera but maybe Provence is better? I love food, history, nature, old cool architecture, pop-culture history, art, and music. Any tips?

How would you say 'he objectifies women'?Vocabulary / word usage

I'm interested in what you feel is natural. I'm finding a few variants online:

  1. Il objective les femmes.
  2. Il objectifie les femmes.
  3. Il traite les femmes comme des objets.
  4. Il dépersonnalise les femmes.
  5. Il déshumanise les femmes.

How do you feel about these variants if you are a native speaker? Thanks.

EDIT: to take out autocorrect of object and typo.

t'occupe = don't worry or mind your own business?

I'm surprised, is this expression really the same as telling someone 'ce ne sont pas tes affaires' or something to that effect? That seems pretty direct, even aggressive. I always thought it was more like a very familiar way of saying 'don't worry, it's not worth you troubling yourself, ce n'est pas la peine que tu t'en occupe'. Have I misunderstood this expression? Perhaps it can be used in different ways?

What does “en” mean in the sentence?Vocabulary / word usage

The sentence: Venons-en à ce drame en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée.

What does en infer?

where can i download french cartoons?

man ive been looking for the early episodes of spongebob and it seems impossible to find

Pour ceux qui ont déjà passé le DALF C1 ou C2...Study advice

Comme vous savez, le C1 est le premier niveau des examens du DELF/DALF où l'usage des dictionnaires FR-FR n'est pas interdit.

Pour ceux qui ont déjà passé l'examen, comment avez-vous fait pour les utiliser lors de l'examen? Je cherche des astuces pour que je puisse maximiser son utilité.

P.S. Quant aux dictionnaires, étaient-ils fournis par votre centre d'examen? J'ai demandé à le mien mais le représentant n'en est pas sûr parce que il n'y a pas beaucoup de candidats qui passent les examens DALF dans ma ville.

by RandomDudeSomewhere🇮🇳 | DELF B2
If you had $700 to spend on learning French, how would you spend it?Looking for media

My workplace offers professional development funding ($1000 CAD or about $732 USD a year). I want to learn French as it would give me access to better job opportunities. What resources would you recommend for a beginner (books, apps, programs, etc).

I have a grammar book, but nothing really sticks and I’m currently just watching YouTube videos + Duolingo.

The funding doesn’t carry over to the following year, so I lose it if I don’t use it.

how's my pronunciation

i tried as best as i can! please, just constructive criticism https://voca.ro/1UVSsrwROeNI

Pronunciation of "sans oiseaux"?Pronunciation

For reasons that escape me, "les oiseaux" is pronounced "layz wahzoh"; "des oiseaux" and "deux oiseaux" are similar.

Can I therefore intuit that "sans oiseaux" is pronounced "sahnz wahzoh" (not "sahn wahzoh")?

And, while I'm here, where can I find a list of other words where this kind of thing happens?


High School student looking for self study resourcesLooking for media

Hi, I'm a rising sophomore and I just completed my first year of french. I'm looking to eventually take the French Language and Culture AP, and if I just go with the normal sequence there's no way I'm reaching there. So I'm looking for some good resources to be able to self study this summer and skip a level. I've looked into the Arthur Jensen Le Francais Par La Method Nature book, would this be enough? And also is simply grinding on Duolingo gonna get me there? Any help would be appreciated.

Why is 'les halles' pronounced like this?Pronunciation

'les halles' is pronounced like two separate words but 'les hotel' for example is pronounced like 'lezotel'. Shouldn't 'les halles' be pronounced like 'lezall'?

What rule in French does make this pronunciation different?

What is the translational difference between “…Au moins elle est morte un ocre” and “…Au moins elle est morte bronzée”

I’m doing a french skit with some of my friends tomorrow, and we want to end with a very funny scene where one of us dies, but we acknowledge the fact, at least they died tan… but we don’t know which phrase to use and what the difference is between them.

does the text of my linguistic experiment read well to native speakers of French?Vocabulary / word usage

hey there! I'm a grad student doing research on grammatical gender, for which I have programmed an online experiment for German, polish, French and Spanish speakers. my french skills are, unfortunately, far from fluent, so I wanted to ask for a bit of feedback from kind-hearted native speakers about whether the instructions of the experiment make sense in French. the experiment is done online, alone, without any supervision - as such, participants have no way of asking questions, which is why I aim to provide clear and concise instructions.

in the first part of the experiment, participants see pairs of words (consisting of a basic noun and a common first name) for 4 seconds each. then, they see a distractor task where they're asked to describe the weather. in the second part, they see each noun from the beginning of the experiment again - but this time, without the accompanying first name. their task is to decide whether the respective noun was paired with a male or female name, by pushing a corresponding key. the experiment ends with a survey where they have to rate the nouns on a scale from 1/weak to 7/strong (this is intended to be nebulous, there are no right or wrong answers), followed by general questions about age, gender, native language, etc.

i realize this is a long shot, but I've gotten conflicting feedback from native speakers that I know, indicating that the instructions sound like they were translated into french... but no real recommendations on how to improve the text. if a kind stranger here could take a look at the (admittedly long) text and share their thoughts, I would be very grateful! thank you :)

ps: would also be really grateful for any recommendations on where I could potentially post the link to my experiment. r/france won't let me post as I'm not fluent nor do I usually post much there and I only know a handful French natives. I've been looking up French speaking FB groups for students, young researchers, etc and was thinking about writing to the administration of various French universities, though I don't have high hopes about the latter...

distractor task: Veuillez décrire le temps actuel dans votre région en deux courtes phrases. Cliquez sur 'Envoyer' lorsque vous avez terminé.

instructions, first part: Soyez les bienvenus ! Dans ce qui suit, vous allez participer à une courte étude en ligne. Des paires de mots vous seront présentées à l'écran. Un nom sera toujours attribué à un objet (p. ex. fenêtre - Alexandre, bateau - Marie). Votre tâche consistera à mémoriser ces paires. Plus tard, vous devrez vous souvenir des noms des objets (c'est-à-dire que les objets vous seront présentés à nouveau, sans les noms). L'étude démarre lorsque vous appuyez sur la touche Espace. Pendant la phase d'apprentissage, chaque paire de mots vous est présentée pendant quelques secondes ; la succession des paires de mots se fait automatiquement.

instructions, second part:  Dans la partie suivante, on vous montrera à nouveau les objets des paires de mots (par ex. fenêtre, bateau). Votre tâche consistera à vous rappeler si le nom correspondant était masculin ou féminin. Si le nom était masculin (par ex. Alexandre), appuyez sur la touche M. Si le nom était féminin (par ex. Marie), appuyez sur la touche F. Cette partie démarre lorsque vous appuyez sur la touche Espace. Vous disposez à chaque fois de 15 secondes pour prendre une décision.

survey questions:

Votre tâche consiste à évaluer chaque mot sur une échelle allant de "faible" (1) à "fort" (7). Il n'y a pas de bonnes ou de mauvaises réponses, seule votre évaluation du mot compte. Veillez à faire défiler la page jusqu'en bas en évaluant chaque mot avant de continuer.

Selon vous, pour quel pourcentage des objets avez-vous pu vous souvenir du sexe correct du prénom ? Veuillez répondre par un numéro.

Avez-vous suivi une stratégie particulière pour remplir l'expérience ? Si oui, veuillez décrire cette stratégie. Sinon, vous pouvez laisser ce champ vide et continuer ci-dessous.

Quel est votre âge ? Quel est votre sexe ? Quelle est votre langue maternelle ? (Le français. / Je suis bilingue. / Une autre langue. (précisez)) Vous avez indiqué que vous êtes bilingue. Quelles sont vos langues maternelles ? (première langue maternelle / deuxième langue maternelle)

Vous avez ici la possibilité de laisser un commentaire ou de poser des questions. Si vous souhaitez une réponse, veuillez indiquer votre adresse e-mail. C'est la fin de l'expérience. Merci beaucoup pour votre participation !

landing page info:

Soyez les bienvenus ! La page suivante vous explique la tâche à accomplir. L’expérience ne commence qu'après que vous ayez lu et confirmé les explications. Vous n'avez besoin de rien, d'aucune préparation ni de connaissances spéciales, seulement d'un clavier et du français comme langue maternelle. L'expérience dure environ 10 à 15 minutes maximum.

Aucune information susceptible de vous identifier personnellement n'est demandée. Il vous est uniquement demandé de fournir des informations démographiques générales à des fins statistiques. Seules ces informations seront utilisées pour ma recherche. Le devoir qui en résulte ne sera pas publié, il sera uniquement lu par mon superviseur. À la fin de la recherche, toutes les données démographiques enregistrées seront supprimées.

Veuillez confirmer que vous souhaitez participer à cette expérience. Vos données (y compris votre adresse IP) seront enregistrées et pourront être utilisées à des fins de recherche.

I wanna learn french

hi, often I think about lern french, I love that lenguage but I have a big problem, the method, cause idk where can I found a good course, I don't care if is a payment course, I want something very well...so, can someone give me a recommendation or something?

What does sacre bleu mean?

Is it more to say like “oh my god” or like “jeez!”?

by ClearSmile700Non-Learner
Just watched the movie "Portrait of a Lady on Fire" and I have a couple of questions about the language (Spoilers)Looking for media

If you watched it in French, would you have an opinion on how well the subtitles conveyed the intensity and emotions of the dialogue?

Do lovers typically "vouvoyer" each other? I understand the class difference, but the painter is using "vous" while they are doing drugs naked together! Is this typical?

The language can't be typical of late 18th C dialogue, right? I mean, they must be using very contemporary French, without slang, throughout!

Merci bien :)

Is it normal to say 'I hope you are well' at the beginning of formal written communication?Vocabulary / word usage

For a formal letter (not business, but still to a respected figure), would it be natural to start with some French equivalent of 'I hope you are well?' Whenever I write it, it always feels very English to me and sounds awkward in French. The templates in French I have seen online tend to get straight to the point without much preamble.

Thank you in advance.
