I really wanted to enjoy it, but I just couldn't get into it. I made it about halfway through Gardens of the Moon. I know with such a large series it is common to read at least two books, but I just could not get into this thing.

I didn't feel overwhelmed with just being dropped into the world to learn on my own. I actually liked that and have read other series that did this. I just found myself forcing the read. I wasn't thinking about the book when I wasn't reading it. I also found myself being bored.

Is this series really that niche or is it just possible I'm in a reading slump and need to just read a few palate cleansers and/or take a little break then try again?

I see the general concensus from those that enjoyed it is that it is an extremely rewarding experience. It also seems there is no middle ground. It's either love it or hate it.

Any words of wisdom are welcome here. Notice I did not insult it or say it is bad. I do not insult thy things I do not like because it is so subjective.