This is something told to FAguys, a GF won't fix your problems, work on yourself blah, blah, bah. Except I know it isn't true.

Few years back I was stuck in a deadend job, often having to deal with abussive arseholes and my life was empty. Then she appeared, just graduated from uni and in her first real job. Tall, blonde and gorgeous. The sort of woman who wouldn't give me the time of day if I met in a bar or anywhere else.

However here she talked to me, she spent time with me because she had moved back home and her social life had collapsed. Suddenly she had no social life, her friends where elsewhere and we bonded over how much we hated work. Everyone else seemed commited to their pointless jobs.

I didn't delude myself, I was 10 years older than her at that point and she had the dreaded 6 foot plus boyfriend in another city. Though she spent allot of time complaining about how lazy and useless he was. Still we got on well, we started spending time together outside work. At the cinema, the pub, stuff like that.

Before she came I hadn't been sleeping properly, I was constantly tired and depressed. Turning up late for work and not really caring. With her around I was suddenly full of energy, I felt motivated, I felt great. The slightest possibility that she would leave her boyfriend and we could be together was enough to fix my problems.

Of course it didn't last, she moved to a better job and near Mr 6 foot plus nightmare and my world collapsed but it showed me those who say a woman can't fix your life don't know what they are talking about.