Been really struggling to find a Loki fit that works for what I want it to do. Was hoping someone here might have a few good suggestions.

I fly in a pretty small group, usually no more than 5 other pilots and we like to go ESS hunting or ESS defending, depending on whats going on in our section of space.

Right now we've got a couple of oversized prop ships set up well for what we do - 100mn Tengu, 100mn Phantasm etc. But what we're really lacking is a good webbing ship that can help apply DPS.

I've had a few ideas, but nothing thats really blowing me out of the water. Feels like the Loki has been hit pretty hard with fitting restrictions. I'll give ya a sample of what I'm trying to do.

Heavy Missiles preferable, for the range. Web range is a necessary requirement. 100mn for sure. Active Shield Tank - yes please, to keep any secondaries from soloing me. Cap stable would be nice.

I have a basic fit with dual medium shield boosters which is pretty tank. Would love to go to a large shield booster, but realise with Heavy Missiles, 100mn AB, Cap Battery and a Large Shield Booster... I may be asking a bit much.

Preferably no implants for fitting etc. (I already have a set of low-grade snakes for my nullsec stuff so thats what I'm using for most of the fun).

Willing to go Faction/Deadspace fit as long as its not OTT expensive.. 1bill for a shield hardner when the ship costs 400m is not a good deal lol.

Hoping y'all have some ideas or advice for me. No idea is a bad idea, unless it is.