Hey all! First post here, and I'm on mobile, sorry if formatting is off. Anyway, I wanted to share a story that just recently popped into my mind. It was two-ish years ago, so my memory is a bit fuzzy. Also, not 100% sure if this belongs here. If it doesn't, I'm sorry!

Anyway, I F18 at the time, was working at a fast food place. I've only ever seen one of these specific places in my life, but I won't give the name just in case. To give you the basic idea, it's food is Italian, which means it's mostly pasta. Sure, we had pizza slices, bread sticks, and salads, but mostly different pasta dishes. It's not terribly important for the story, but it's some nice context nonetheless.

I always worked the closing shift, 5-10, which really went from 5-11 with all the things that had to be done for closing. I want to say it was around the middle of my shift, or maybe in the first half. I always worked up front, taking orders and running out food for tables. It was business as usual, and then a woman walked in. Yes, dear readers, the "Karen" of the wild. I welcomed her with the typical " hi, welcome to (restaurant name)! What can I get for you?"

Things went well, she ordered her meal. I think the total was $10, or around that range. And I rattled off the phrase that has been burned into my brain.

Me: "would you like to leave a tip?"

Surprisingly, she said yes. No red flags yet, so I continued.

Me: "Alrighty! Please press one, two, or three on the keypad. Then, press the green button."

I watched as she pushed the buttons in that order. Now, the buttons corresponded to different tip amounts. One was $1, two was $3, and three was $5. Since she had pressed three as the final button, it meant she gave a $5 tip. Here's where things get messy, after I gave her the receipt.

She inspected it intently, and then started complaining about how much she had tipped. A few of the lines I remember very clearly..

"I'm not giving you a $5 tip for a $10 purchase!" And the good ol' "I pay your salary."

I was trying to explain that she hadn't listened to what I had said, that I had said one, two OR three. Not one, two AND three. This back and forth continued, and some of my coworkers even came to defend me, saying that I have very clear instructions.

Some more back and forth happened, and the manager was called to settle this. He was busy, so it would take a minute or two. But during that time, this woman stared me directly in the eyes and said "I don't like your bitchy attitude."

I, obviously shocked, exclaimed "Excuse me?!" And, being as shocked and angry as I was, felt tears in my eyes. I cry when I'm really angry, for some reason. Anyway, manager got there and settled it. I can't remember exactly what the outcome was, since I was already helping a group of younger boys.

I got one more story from my time there, which only lasted about 6 months. If anyone is interested, I'd be happy to share!