I need your help.

No matter what I do, I get this cotton candy like stringing and nothing I do prevents it.

Every print gets it and it's impossible to clean.

I've printed retraction towers from thingiverse and from http://retractioncalibration.com/

Nothing helps. No matter the setting.

For this print I used PLA, 190°C hotend, 50°C bed, speed 180mm/s, flow 90% (calibrated), retraction 4mm, retraction speed 25mm/s. Combing All, layer height, 0.2. 0.4 mm Nozzle

The retraction calibration tower obviously increments like specified on the page. Same result on every layer.

  1. What the heck is that and how can I fix it?
  2. Why do I need the rubber cover of the hotend/nozzle? It seems to have a crack or a tear.

At this point I'm just tired of wasting any more filament and printing hours.