Yes, there are people complaining the game is “too hard” for a variety of reasons such as:

-Not high enough Scadu Fragment levels

-Not leveling vigor

-Being bad at the game

So on, so forth. But these don’t negate or disregard fair criticism being directed at the boss design.

I’ve been loving the DLC but I’m of the opinion that much of the “difficultly” has been artificial and not satisfying to play against. Having played the other Souls’ games, the one thing that remained true is that much of the other bosses played by the same rules, so if I fucked up, it’s on me. For some of the bosses in the DLC, that is not the case. The camera is also horrendous and is the bane of my existence at times.

Can we stop jerking each other off already and disregarding any criticism as nothing? I don’t think it’s beneficial for any of us to blindly love things without acknowledging its flaws.