These are mostly dimension errors and it’s a few bucks so I don’t bother to dispute but today’s was a claim that a box I said weighed 4 pounds actually weighed 18 pounds.

The wrong dimension claims were erroneous because I only use ULINE boxes with the dimensions printed on the underside. But to overstate the weight by 14 pounds is infuriating.

Each time the USPS reclaims whatever “discount” they offered when I purchased postage through eBay. The problem is, I always pass that along to buyers.

Has anyone else been running into this ridiculousness? The USPS is blatantly lying to steal my money.

EDIT: people have pointed out the size of my box, 24x20x6 was the issue…dimensional weight. I guess the USPS figures my 1 box = 2-3 regular size boxes so they charge accordingly. Thanks to everyone for your responses.