I’ve been pretty disconnected from the fandom recently, so please know I’m making this post in good faith to talk to others about the fandom!

I was hardcore in the fandom for ~over a decade. And recently I just feel like it’s become such a weird place.

I won’t name drop but I know we all know the book that got super popular, especially on TikTok and then enjoying the fandom became a weird space of ‘we need to gatekeep’ and ‘new people entering the fandom and not knowing the rules’. Which I hated

From my own experience these newcomers are just trying to interact and take redirection pretty well. But it hurts me to see what is self described as a welcoming fandom shame time and time again anyone that hasn’t ‘been here from the beginning’

Growing a fandom and keeping it alive and active involves change and acceptance, but it feels like if we keep on this path, the fandom is going to die down.

I don’t know, maybe it’s because I had to take a step back from the fandom and recently tried to re-enter that I feel this way, but i can definitely see why people are leaving and new comers won’t stay.