When i go out to the dogpark sometime but not very often i see Dogs who'r having a Thrill to play with other dogs.

Then i see very scarcely sometimes a Dog who seems to be more thrilled to be close to their owner. (Not because of issues of not liking other dogs in this example.) Sure the owner tellss them go play with your mates. And she does so playing happily with the other dogs doesn't seem like she got problems with the other dogs.

Eventually after a short time it seems the dog gets bored of the other dog and returns to their owners side.

But why is it like that, and is there some way of living in companionship to kind of promote this behavior?

Does anyone of you in this reddit got a dog which uncommonly just likes and thinks being With you is more interesting than being with another dog. (And not because you got a fat bag of high value Treats for them in your pocket 24/7 xD)

If yes. Why do you think, caused your dog to just have a more exciting and fun time being and wanting to be near you rather than playing in a exciting environment with other dogs or being distracted in the world with other exciting things?

THANKS EVERYBODY! didn't thought to get so many responses i value each single one, going to read each one multiple times definitely going to answer some questions i had!