I’ve discussed this here before, to very mixed reactions but, please, our lives will not immediately end if Trump wins. The reality is, project 2025 policies will not be popular. There WILL be push back and we NEED to be apart of it. DON’T LIE DOWN AND TAKE IT. DON’T GIVE UP.

Project 2025 exists because they know they’re losing the long-game. It is SIGNIFICANTLY more radical than the Heritage transition plans in the past (and those were not all that sucessful, and faced plenty of pushback and lawsuits)

It’s scary but countries can come back from this if people fight back. We just saw it happen in Brazil and Poland.

Edit: first, im not saying don’t vote. STILL VOTE. second, this post is not downplaying the situation. I am gay and disabled myself, and this scares me. But we have more power than we think. This is not the time to give up. People all around the world face systems of oppression much more powerful and unchecked than mango Mussolini the wanna-be dictator. Fight back until we can’t, and then some more.