Not sure if this is the right sub for this as I dont take issue with the theory of evolution broadly but I wasn't sure where else to go.

Basically as the title says I dont se how anyone can honestly look at the existence of humanity with the incomprehensibly small likelyhood of our existence and conclude it came about purely through random naturalistic selection. Given the strikingly small likelyhood of life emerging unto itself, given the perilous treck from single celled life to multi celled bacteria to more complex sea life to amphibious life to land life to the rise of large land animals and finally to mamals with sufficiently complex neural networks capable of forming language, mathmatical reasoning and eventually all the complex scientific reasoning we se today while also all but universally professing a belief in and experience with a God/Gods; I dont se how this could possibly be the product of random natural selection.

The existence of humanity to me more then any other life if for no other reason then our uniqueness compared to all other life given our unparrelleled mental capabilities speaks to the existence of some intelligence which sought this outcome.

It would have been very, VERY easy for humanity to have gone extinct multiple times throughout its development and before due to pandemic or climate change or some other natural catastrophe and the fact that we have developed to the stage we are building large hydron colliders and space vessels speaks to me that something that someone acted to ensure our existence beyond the mere forces of natural selection.