I work at a studio that has a lot of competitive dancers and some recreational dancers. Ballet is a requirement for almost all competition. We also do a Nutcracker performance which the kids love.

But I find it difficult to get them to understand the connection between being good at styles like lyrical, contemporary, and musical theatre and gaining a solid knowledge and technique in ballet. More specifically, they seem to hate barre. But obviously this is an integral part of the ballet class and they don’t really get enough of it as is. (Classes are only an hour, they take two, maybe three ballet classes weekly, because of our requirements.)

It’s frustrating because I love ballet. I remember not liking barre when I was a kid but somewhere along the line I grew to absolutely love it. It’s like meditation for me. I am sick of kids confidently stating to me, their ballet teacher, that they don’t like ballet, ballet is their least favorite, but they’d love to be Clara in the nutcracker this year 🙄.

I do things like use popular music for ballet class. I try hard to keep them moving and learning new things. I have tried lecturing them that ballet is foundational to some of their other favorite styles, and that it will help their quality of movement and control. But being lectured to isn’t fun and I’d love a better way to make them connect ballet with the things they love about dance. Or at least, if they don’t love it, I want them to respect it.

Any ideas to make it more palatable for the kids who really just want to dance to pop music and get trophies!? Or at least give them a deeper understanding of why they should treat it with respect (even, dare I say, reverence?)