Hey everyone!

I know the answer my question in the title is probably "no", but I wanted try and to ask anyway and if you have any opinions on the topic. :)

I'm quite new at clickertraning, and have found it to be very fun to learn and my horse is very eager as well (almost too much haha). I've tried my best to research as much as possible (on the internet, tried going to a local trainer once), but I'm quite careful and slow with the training because I don't want to get into situations where I taught the horse something "unliterally dangerous" (considering several different people handle him) or train a signal that I later realize hinders me from doing another thing etc...

What I really would be happy about if there where some "standard" for voicesignals, handsignal etc (at least the foundation/most imporant ones) but I realized it doesn't seem there is one? I suspect that it's probably because "it's not popular enough" like negative reinforcement to need one yet, but I think it would greatly help people to not only get into the training method more, but make it easier to make it "viable" to sell & buy clickertrained horses. Maybe I'm just overthinking stuff or overlooking some info more experienced people know, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, and any recommendations to where I could find something similar to "standards" to follow.

(Sorry if this just comes off as a rant, just curious to learn more! )