
r/Clickers25 subscribers4 active
Xteam sf clicker game

When should i evolve relics? Is it better to upgrade Them first?

XTeam SF Clicker RPG

Going live with this thread due to absence of discussions around this game. This fact surprised me a lot cause XTeam for me same or even better as Tap Titans!

As I see it took much from TT but made a lot of new stuff that are really cool!

Hope with help of this thread we could make this game more popular and find answers on many questions that appear.

Clickers Manifesto

First they get their foot in the door.

Making our lives easier, doing all the little shitty jobs nobody wants to do.

Like transcribing our xkcd so we dont have to go offsite or mouseover.

Then they get us all used to them and accepting of them into our lives and our culture, all dependant on them and shit.

Next thing you know theyre taking our jobs, and doing them for less.

Devaluing our job market, and to add insult to injury doing it better.

I tell ya, if you let the vampire across your door, you deserve everything you get.

Thats why we must draw the line here, say no to robots.

by 0x_