Hi, I don't even know if this is a thing.... but no one has been able to answer what it is I experience.

Closest thing to an answer I've received from a psychiatrist is; 'oh that sounds similar to PTSD'

I have violent day dreams - when stressed. I get so Angry when stressed that there is no way I can process it... it overcomes me and I burn out fast. It seems to me as a protective measure my brain goes into day-dream mode. But they are realistic scenarios... and they are videos played out to their logical conclusion - in my head.

Just today, as an example. I am livid at everything, in particular how I am being treated so badly by literally everyone. Family, strangers... mental health professionals., the government. Furious at the climate catastrophe... and the world still wages war (Russia currently) throwing all that money into explosives instead of green energy. Just so much.... but it's usually my parents and toxic people that send me into these rages. Any Behaviour that I've been subjected to; manipulative cluster B type bullshit - in my past. If anyone does anything along those lines it's either I rage at them... or withdraw into these awful day-dreams.

The day dream triggered today....:

I was thinking about what would happen if I was honest with the mental health 'professionals' about my rage and anger. Well - like last time I was honest, they would put me in a ward and on an anti-psychotic. I am never taking those poisons again. They nearly ruined my life even further (permanent side effects)

Then I slide into the day dream: 'I'm in a ward, and a nurse and two security personnel corner me wanting to force inject me with a depot(anti-psychotic) or some form of injectable anti-psychotic.

I tell them 'no... it's not going to happen'... 'one of two things is going to happen - you all leave me alone, or you two are going to get hurt, and you (nurse) are the one who will be injected with that poison. See how you like permanent side effects'

They continue to try and wrestle me down and inject me; but I physically assault all three as promised, and inject the nurse as I said I would.'

Being locked in a ward I can't escape... so then police arrive.. I fight them too. Hurting one of them badly. Things get worse and worse... I escape the ward.. not sure whether to kill myself or keep running'.... End up getting tasered... still fight them off - won't stop. Steal their car drive somewhere, go on the run... they keep catching up with me. (we have the most surveillance in the world where I live) I keep hurting them.... everytime telling them I don't want to hurt them but I will if they don't leave me alone.... the violence escalates with them getting more violent as now i'm classified as a 'dangerous individual'.

The dream winds up with me either killing myself by jumping off a tall building or getting shot by armed police. There are multiple endings, multiple middles. Beginning is usually pretty consistent.

This dream took about 30minutes. I couldn't snap out of it. Just lying in bed with this movie playing in my head. It feels real.... very real. Though I know it isn't - I have no psychosis.

I have only found a couple people on the internet who have related to experiencing the same violent day dreams. These were people on r/MaladaptiveDreaming. However it seems everyone in that subreddit has fantasies that they deliberately take part in.. and they are idealised enjoyable escapes from reality. That's totally not what I experience.

These violent distressing day dreams are autonomous. I don't start them, can't stop them. They torment me.

When they are finished my rage has faded to a manageable level.

What is this? I know it's trauma related. Is this repressed fight mode? what is happening to me.

I don't have schizophrenia or psychosis.... I have autism and cptsd and other stuff. (no cluster B personality disorders)

I'm not a violent person... but I know I am very capable of it should I wish. But I don't, I go out of my way to not cause harm. I've been in totally self-imposed isolation for about 4 years as I'm scared of upsetting others with my very obvious rage issues.. and deeply seated fury at the world and the evil people in it. I don't want this to spill onto others who don't deserve it.

These dreams feel like the only way I can seek absolution from the injustice I experience daily. Without destroying something or someone. I'm trapped in a toxic household with one of my cluster B parents. My entire life there has been a cluster B fucker less than 10metres away from me in my or their home.

I just don't know what the hell to do. Therapy hasn't made a dent in that anger/rage. I have DTD, (CPTSD from <2years of age)

It's been there my whole life. I hate these day dreams. They distress me even though they appear to serve a purpose of negating my experience of the rage.... a dissociation I guess.

They also waste so much of my time.

And also as a result of this rage - everyone is very wary around me. I scare the crap out of people with zero intention of doing so. I've been told by a therapist to find a use or outlet for that anger..... had zero success there. Nothing quels it.... nothing expels or diminishes it.... apart from these day-dreams.. oh and drugs. drugs shut them down.... as does video gaming.

Anyone else go through something similar? what is this phenomena?

Thanks. Y