This is my first time using this so I hope I'm following the rules.

I remember hearing a lot of arguments. They would throw things. I was only ever hit as discipline. But I was often forced into the role of mediator. This continued with my siblings as I got older.

My dad was strict and I loved but feared him. He died when I was 12. After that I was responsible for the majority of house chores and care for my younger siblings. I was shown that my needs came last. Despite this, I was able to remain a high achiever and thought I was relatively well adjusted. All of my physical needs were met.

My mom is manipulative and controlling. She continues to be so and none of my siblings want to spend time with her. But she has latched onto me.

Until I went to medical school. Something about the strict environment where mistakes weren't acceptable really triggered me. I'm constantly afraid of making mistakes or upsetting anyone. Even my therapist.

I'm struggling with depression, panic attacks and poor focus. I'm afraid I won't be able to do my job and I've been in therapy for years. I've been diagnosed with cptsd and done EMDR a few times without improvement.

So I guess I want to know, is it bad enough? Or am I just spoiled and sensitive and that's why I can't get better? Because that's how it feels.